Hendricks Family History - Person Sheet
NameChristianus Minnier 
Birth Date2 Feb 1704
Birth PlaceLutzelsachen, Mannheim, Germany
Death Date13 Jun 1786
Death PlaceGreenwich Twp., Sussex, New Jersey
Misc. Notes
Christianus arrived In Philadelphia on 26 September 1732 on the ship "Mary"
from Rotterdam. The ship with Master John Gray made a stop in Crowes Engand,
as all imigrants were required to take an oath of allegiance to Great
Britain. There were 69 men and their families of 122 women and children for
a total of 191 passengers, mostly from the Palatinate.
Birth Date1706
Birth PlaceGermany
Death DateJan 1785
Death PlaceNew Jersey
Marr Date13 Jan 1727/28324