
Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory (CRB-CZO)



We integrate knowledge of water, mineral and carbon cycles to quantify human impact
on Critical Zone carbon sequestration - from uplands to coastal zone.


The Christina River Basin CZO is one of six NSF- supported environmental observatories focusing on how water, atmosphere, ecosystems, & soils interact and shape the Earth's surface.

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The "Critical Zone" lies between rock and sky. It is essential to life - including human food production - and helps drive Earth's carbon cycle, climate change, stream runoff, and water quality.

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Together with our counterpart observatories, we're helping determine how the Critical Zone operates and evolves - including a predictive ability for how it will respond to projected changes in climate and land use. We serve the international scientific community through research, infrastructure, data, and models.

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A multidisciplinary team of scientists established CRB-CZO to integrate three major processes governing the critical zone: the water cycle, the mineral cycle, and the carbon cycle. Our holistic study of the entire 1440 km2 Christina River Basin watershed temporally integrates vertical and lateral carbon, mineral and water fluxes over a range of modern and historical land uses.